Manifesto by the Privacy Coalition

On to the "new normal":
A digital society without worries about data privacy

Privacy Coalition

Call to society

What is the urgency?

The Netherlands wants to be a frontrunner in the field of digitization. That is a great ambition, but with a downside. Our privacy is under increasing pressure. Often, we pay with our personal data for access to countless digital platforms and services. It seems free, but unconsciously we pay a high price.

Many people hardly realise how much information they hand out. More and more parties are monitoring our online behaviour. Our data is linked and sold on. This creates a digital profile on the basis of which companies and even governments make decisions. These often have a major impact on our lives, without us having any influence on it. Our profile also determines which information we do and do not see, so that we are unconsciously influenced. The imbalance of power between large tech companies and the government vis-à-vis the individual and the citizen must be restored. Without intervention, polarisation will increase and this will damage democracy.

We now have to reverse that trend. Because the digitization of society is accelerating and dependence is increasing, now is the time to arrange things properly. Let the Netherlands not only lead the way in digitization, but also be a frontrunner in the field of digital privacy and better protection for everyone.

What do we want to change?

Legislation is underway at both European and national level to curb the unbridled use of personal data. But regulation and supervision alone will not be enough; developments are happening so fast that we are always behind the times. A social change is needed. The basic principle should be that everyone should also have access to their own data, regardless of who processes it. It must be transparent for what our data is collected for and what happens with it. We must be confident that our data will not be unknowingly used for other purposes – and certainly not used, linked and resold without our explicit permission. We should not be constantly tempted to provide more data than we actually want to give and then is necessary. Respect for privacy should be the norm, also in the digital world.

What has to happen?

  • A fundamental rethinking is needed. This starts with acknowledging the problem and taking responsibility. It is the responsibility of companies, organisations and governments to actively promote digital privacy. By setting a good example yourself, by not collecting more data than is strictly necessary and by consciously opting for digital platforms and services based on privacy. This means that we have to stop using business models based on the massive collection of data from users.
  • The Dutch ambition to become a digital frontrunner must also be translated into legislation and regulations. In addition, it is the task of the government to create Public awareness, provide information and stimulate a social dialogue. And by actively encouraging the availability of sufficient digital alternatives, so that no citizen unintentionally has to hand over their data.
  • We ask all parties involved in the Netherlands to work on this. By taking responsibility yourself, thinking along with us, creating social awareness, actively supporting privacy-friendly alternatives and thus contributing to a better digital society.

About the Privacy Coalition

The Privacy Coalition consists of a number of initiators and co-signatories. The initiators believe that more needs to be done for a healthier digital society than stricter legislation. There are clearly opportunities. Both politics and society can play an important role. Many organisations and persons with a social function have now rallied behind the manifesto. Those are the co-signers.

The initiators

Freedom Internet Anco Scholte ter Horst, CEO
Privacy First Vincent Böhre, Directeur
PublicRoam Paul Francissen, Oprichter
Quodari Paul Pennarts, CEO
Schluss Marie-José Hoefmans - CEO
Soverin Diana Krieger, CEO
STER Frank Volmer, Algemeen directeur


The list of co-signatories will be updated regularly
Candidates can contact us.

4MedBox Europe Rick Overkleeft, CEO
4LifeSupport Arthur Schreuder, President
ArtOfado Peter Groothuis, Owner
Bureau Digitale Zaken Kees Verhoeven, Owner
Burgerrechtenvereniging Vrijbit Miek Wijnberg, President
Consumentenbond Sandra Molenaar, Director
Dusk Network Jelle Pol, Founder
eLaw (Universiteit Leiden): Centrum voor Recht en Digitale Technologie Bart Custers, Hoogleraar Law & Data Science
Human Rights in Finance Simon Lelieveldt, Founder
IDnext platform Robert Garskamp, Founder
Patient Privacy Timothy Kieboom, Director
Platform Burgerrechten Tijmen Wisman, President
Procolix Koen de Jonge, Business owner
Prowise Luuk Loeff, CLR director
PTH Groep Martin de Jong, CEO
Public Spaces Geert-Jan Bogaerts, President
Qiy foundation Marcel van Galen, Founder
Retail Privacy Timothy Kieboom, Directeur
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Mr.dr. Mathieu Paapst, Universitair docent IT-law
SIDN Roelof Meijer, CEO
Scoor voor je Club Maarten Louman, Co-Founder
Sounds Of Change Lucas Dols, Founder
Stichting DECOZO Edwin Brugman, President
Stichting Donateursbelangen Jordan van Bergen, Director
Stichting Nuts Mark Weernink, President
Speakup Florian Overkamp, Founder
Summitto Sascha Jafari, Co-founder
SURF Jet de Ranitz, President
The Good Cloud Dennis Pennings, Co-founder
TU Delft - EU Horizon 2020 Water Mining Prof.dr. Patricia Osseweijer, Coordinator
UvA Prof. dr. Marc Salomon, Dean Amsterdam Business School
Voys Mark Vletter, Founder
Whitebox Systems Guido van ‘t Noordende, Founder
Zorgdoc Cees Schaap, Founder

For logo's and other media files: media files


For the execution of the daily activities, The Privacy Coalition depends on voluntary contributions, gifts and donations. The Privacy Coalition really appreciates all support through small and larger donations. One-time or structural contributions: all support is welcome!

Do you want to donate as an organisation or as an individual? Contact us:


Do you want to know more or do you want to co-sign our manifesto? Contact us:

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